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Helicobacter Pylori, the cork-screwed shaped bacteria has been associated with most cases of human Gastritis.

H. Pylori are considered the most popular cause for Peptic and Duodenal Ulcers and can set the stage for gastric carcinoma.

Hypochlorhydria or Achlorhydria will set the Stage for increased risk of infection from organisms such as Candida or yeast and H. Pylori.

These Organisms are directly associated to Chronic Gastritis, Peptic Ulcers and stomach Cancer.

Hypochlorhydria will result in poor Protein breakdown, and subsequent poor absorption of Amino Acids.

Unfortunately, people with reduced Acid levels in the stomach frequently suffer from what they assume is elevated stomach Acid (Reflux, Heartburn, Bloating, Nausea, Frequent Burping), and as a result they often take acid-lowering drugs and medications.

These symptoms are similar in both Hyperchlorhydria (the over production of HCL) and Hypochlorhydria (the reduced production of HCL).

Physicians assume that their Patients with Reflux are overproducing HLC, and prescribe Acid reducing medications, when in fact the Patient can be deficient in HCL production.

Reducing the bodies HCL production encourages fungal and bacterial infection. It will also increase the risk of developing Peptic, or Duodenal, Ulcers, Pancreatic/Gastric Cancer, and Mucosa-associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT) Lymphoma.

H. Pylori infections can also lead to some forms of Arthritis (Calcification, Spurs), Iron-deficiency Anemia and Vitamin B-12 deficiency that may develop as a result of lower stomach acid levels and damage to the Parietal Cells, which produce the Intrinsic Factor.

H. Pylori bacteria are further implicated with Heart Disease/ Arteriosclerosis, Atrial Fibrillation, Asthma, Rosacea, Gum Disease, and Chronic Headaches or migraines.

H. Pylori may be inhibited by balancing the stomach pH, provided this is done before the damage is done by the H. Pylori Bacteria.

People that maintain a properly pH Balance in the stomach (1.0 to 1.8 pH) are generally asymptomatic, and do not get ulcers, unless they are taking specific drugs especially antibiotics and acid reducing medications (PPIs), or they supplement too much Calcium or Magnesium, which in turn can move the stomach to the neutral or alkaline side, setting the stage for bacterial infection.

Many Patients who have been cured of H. Pylori will continue to complain about stomach problems, this is mainly the result of low stomach Acid that has not been corrected as part of their overall treatment.

The reoccurrence of H. Pylori infection is common in patients with Hypochlorhydria.


Gastric Ulcers


Heavy Mucus