Heidelberg Test Q & A
How does Heidelberg pH Testing work?
The test requires the patient to swallow a small capsule, which is similar in size to a typical supplement. The capsule contains a high-frequency transmitter that tracks the pH levels of the gastrointestinal tract for the duration of the test. The recorded data determines if stomach production is too high, normal, or too low.
Is the Heidelberg pH test a real-time test?
Yes, it is! Typically by the time the test is completed you will have a verbal conclusion of your test results, and the report will be completed within a few hours.
Why is it important to know my stomach acid levels?
There are a number of reasons but here are the most commonly discussed:
Stomach acid is essential to digestion. Without the chemicals and compounds in it, foods such as meats, cheese, and fish become difficult or impossible to properly digest. This can lead to a number of problems, including malabsorption and abdominal pain.
Stomach acid is also required to eradicate the bad bacteria entering the stomach from the mouth saliva, and nasal cavities, (as low-acidic stomach environments allow undesirable bacteria to enter the small bowel, which can lead to dysbiosis/SIBO).
Low stomach acid is also linked to a number of long-term adverse health effects.
Is the Heidelberg pH test safe?
Yes, it is absolutely safe. This test has been performed around the world for many years and has been proven a safe and reliable way to gauge stomach acid levels.
What will happen if I find out I have low stomach acid?
If you do have low stomach acid, there are recommendations to help you regain a more appropriate level. One of the most common treatments is the use of hydrochloride (HCL) with meals.
Who should not have a Heidelberg pH test done?
Generally, the test is not recommended for young children or patients with a history of Crohn’s disease or bleeding of the intestines, or those who are pregnant. Please consult with a physician familiar with Heidelberg testing for more details.
Do I need a consultation prior to Heidelberg pH testing?
A consultation is highly recommended to better understand if Heidelberg testing is right for you, to rule out other associated pathology and to receive orientation for performing the test.
Why should you get a Heidelberg pH Test?
The Heidelberg pH test is used to diagnose hypochlorhydria (reduced stomach acid output) or achlorhydria (lack of stomach acid). These conditions may be associated with gastrointestinal disorders such as:
Altered bowel habits
Irregular bowel movements
Poor tolerance for red meat
Early sense of fullness while eating
Iron deficiency
Mineral deficiency
B12 deficiency
Gastric cancer
Leaky gut
How do you control the positioning of the Heidelberg pH Test diagnostic capsule, so that it doesn’t migrate into the small bowel?
At HeidelbergTest.com, we attach a thin thread to the capsule. The tethered thread gives us better control in positioning the capsule in the stomach. The thread is thin, wet, sits beside the tongue and does not elicit the gag reflex.
How do we take out the capsule when the Heidelberg pH test is over?
After the Heidelberg pH test is completed, patients may allow the capsule to continue through the gut and be expelled in the stool, or they can choose to have the capsule removed through the mouth.
How long does the Heidelberg pH test take to complete?
The time required for the Heidelberg pH test varies, yet most patients can expect it to take around 60 - 90 minutes.
If I take medication to reduce stomach acid, do I need to stop such medication and wait a number of days before I can take the Heidelberg pH test?
Yes, Patients who are taking medications that reduce stomach acid may need to wait for a certain period of time to allow the effects of the medication to wear off before having the Heidelberg pH diagnostic test.
Is the Heidelberg pH test painful?
Not at all. The Heidelberg pH Test is a painless test that does not require sedation. Patients can also talk throughout the test without difficulty.